Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy

Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy
Before starting discussion on new taxonomy, let us have a look at original Bloom’s
Taxonomy. In Bloom’s taxonomy, there were 6 categories under cognitive domain
i.e. Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.
Except Application, all other 5 main categories were further divided into
subcategories. It was a hierarchical structure where categories were arranged
from simple to complex and concrete to abstract. It was assumed that attainment
of one category is a prerequisite for next category
KNOWLEDGE Science Teaching-Learning
·          Knowledge of specifics
·         Knowledge of terminology
·         Knowledge of specific facts
·         Knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics
·         Knowledge of conventions
·         Knowledge of trends and sequences
·         Knowledge of classifications and categories
·         Knowledge of criteria
·         Knowledge of methodology
·          Knowledge of universals and abstractions in a field
·         Knowledge of principles and generalizations
·         Knowledge of theories and structures
1.      Translation
2.      Interpretation
3.       Extrapolation
·         Analysis of elements
·         Analysis of relationships
·         Analysis of organizational principles
1.       Production of a unique communication
2.      Production of a plan, or proposed set of operations
3.       Derivation of a set of abstract relations
1.      Evaluation in terms of internal evidence
2.      Judgments in terms of external criteria
Exhibit 2.1: Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain
If you recall the objective statements, you will find that there were two major
components of an objective:
a) Some subject matter content (A Noun or Noun phrase)
b) A description of what is to be done with or to that content (A verb or verb
For example, “a learner will be able to define motion.” In this objective
statement the noun phrase is “motion” and the verb is “define.” In original
taxonomy, noun and verb aspects was part of knowledge dimension.
In the revised taxonomy, first change is that noun and verb dimensions are
separate. The noun is providing the basis for the Knowledge dimension and the
verb is forming the basis for the Cognitive Process dimension.
The Knowledge Dimension
The new knowledge dimension contains four categories i.e. factual, conceptual,
procedural and metacognitive. Metacognitive Knowledge involves knowledge
about cognition in general as well as awareness of and knowledge about one’s
own cognition.
A) FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE – The basic elements that learners must
know to be acquainted with a discipline or solve problems in it.
a)       Knowledge of terminology
b)      Knowledge of specific details and elements
B) CONCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE – The interrelationships among the
basic elements within a larger structure that enable them to function
·          Knowledge of classifications and categories
·          Knowledge of principles and generalizations
·         Knowledge of theories, models, and structures
C) PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE – How to do something; methods
of inquiry, and criteria for using skills, algorithms, techniques, and
·          Knowledge of subject-specific skills and algorithms
·         Knowledge of subject-specific techniques and methods
·         Knowledge of criteria for determining when to use appropriate
D) METACOGNITIVE KNOWLEDGE – Knowledge of cognition in
general as well as awareness and knowledge of one’s own cognition.
·         Strategic knowledge
·         Knowledge about cognitive tasks, including appropriate contextual
·         and conditional knowledge
·         Self-knowledge
Exhibit 2.2: The Knowledge Dimension
The Cognitive Process Dimension
In this dimension, like the original taxonomy, same number exists in the revised
taxonomy also. Let us see the following table to understand the changes in revised

In attach table

, you can see that ‘knowledge’ category is renamed as ‘remember’,
‘comprehension’ is renamed as ‘understand’, ‘Application, Analysis and
Evaluation’ are retained but in their verb form i.e. ‘apply, analyze and evaluate’.
Evaluation was last category in original taxonomy but here it is at 5th place and
‘synthesis’ is replaced by a new category named as ‘create’.
All these 6 categories are further divided into 19 subcategories and renamed as
cognitive processes. Let us have an overview of these cognitive processes


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